As I strolled amongst them, a few sleek and elegant boats caught my eye. To my disappointment, they were all sold! These are hard to find nowadays I was told; soon as one arrives it is snatch up by clients in queue. I asked to be on the waiting list too. More than 3 months passed since, none available. Hmm.. this is going to a collectors item I reckon!
I content with another interesting boat (built for irrigation) being restored as a book shelf. These are selling pretty fast too, judging from the dwindling stocks each time I dropped by.
This is how the boat is mounted with water pump and a push handle at rear.
Once I dropped by and this one just arrived (its design originated from Ayuthaya). It was the first of such design they acquired. It is elegantly shaped with beautiful curves and I wasted no time to make an offer! When I took delivery several weeks later.. many wanted it too and they had standing orders to duplicate 4 of it.
P'Moo knew of my new hobby and came to check out what I've got last weekend. He is also on look out for me through his network of friends. He took me to Samut Songkhram to view this one made of teak but painted. "I'll show you how it is like when the paint are removed at a friend's restaurant." he said.
So off we went to Don Hoi Lot, at the river mouth of Mae Klong. The restaurant owner P'Mon is an avid collector of beautifully crafted boats too!
The one similar displayed at his restaurant... not many are around too!
I had an eyeful of his collections displayed here. The large one at bottom of photo is made out of a single tree trunk!
There are probably ten or so around!
His latest acquisition is still under restoration at a workshop.. so we set off again. On the way we visited another boat shop off the main road (wouldn't find it if on my own). A couple of the design I seek was on display. My jubilation was short lived as they were sold too!
This is the most beautiful I've seen so far! It is carved out of a single log, wish I can have it too!
P'Moo and his friend P'Mon posing by its side.
The end shaped like an alligator's mouth, decorated with finely crafted bronze lining.
Another shot before we leave! What a beauty!